

发表时间:2016-06-03 点击:710



—— Prof.Benoit Vallet, Chair of the Deparment ofAnesthesiology and Intensive Care, University Hospital Lille, France




  • 在全身麻醉机械通气的病人中,血流变异性如脉压变异度是最好的预测液体反应性的参数[2-4]

  • 在所有指示液体管理的参数中,脉压变异率PPV拥有最多的临床验证基础[3.5]



  • CNAP-PPV是一个动态的、无创的指导液体管理的参数,是通过动脉血压波形计算得到的。

  • 应用条件:

    机械通气(呼气末正压PEEP < 5 cm H2O, 潮气量 > 8ml/kg)







  • 无创的CNAP-PPV是一个准确的预测麻醉病人液体反应性的因子[7.8]

  • 敏感性和特异性可以与有创穿刺相比[7]

  • 数据准确性及动态波形可以与有创穿刺监测方法媲美[9]

  • 唯一组合血压和血流动力学PPV的无创设备。



  • 无风险

  • 操作启动快速、简单

  • 更少的并发症,提高患者预后[6.10]

  • 减少病人在ICU和医院的停留时间[6]

  • 帮助减少医疗费用


   “…… 在心脏外科手术中,运用CNAP无创指套监测的脉压变异率PPV与有创动脉插管测量的PPV相关性非常接近。”[7]




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2 Marik, PE, et al., Haemodynamic parameters to guide fluid therapy. AnnIntensive Care. 1:1 (2010).
3 Marik, PE, et al., Dynamic changes in arterial waveform derived variables andfluid responsiveness in mechanically ventilated patients: a systematic reviewof the literature. Crit Care Med 37:2642-7 (2009).
4 Maguire, S., et al., Respiratory Variation in Pulse Pressure andPlethysmographic Waveforms: Intraoperative Applicability an a North AmericanAcademic Center. Anesthesia and analgesia (2011).
5 Cannesson, M., Arterial pressure variation and goal-directed fluid therapy. JCardiothorac Vasc Anesth. 24:487-97 (2010).
6 Lopes, M., et al., Goal-directed fluid management based on pulse pressurevariation monitoring during high-risk surgery: a pilot randomized controlledtrial. Critical Care. doi:10.1186/cc6117 (2007).
7 Biais, M., et al., The ability of pulse pressure variations obtained withCNAP™ device to predict fluid responsiveness in the operating room; Anesthesiaand analgesia, 523-28 (2011).
8 Monnet, X. et al., Prediction of fluid responsiveness by a continuousnon-invasive assessment of arterial pressure in critically ill patients:comparisonwith four other dynamic indices. British Journal of Anaesthesia (2012).
9 Jeleazcov et al., Precision and accuracy of a new device (CNAP) forcontinuous non-invasive arterial blood pressure monitoring: assessment duringgeneral anesthesia. British Journal of Anesthesia 2010 vol. 105 (3) pp. 264-72.
10 Michard, F., et al. Rational fluid management: dissecting facts fromfiction. BJA. 108(3):369-71 (2012)


