Product Introduction

CNAP Monitor 500 HD

  • Introduction
  • Advantage
  • Application
  • Main features
  • Experts' opinion
  • Pertinent literature


Golden Join Group is the only general agent in China of CNAP Monitor 500.


The CNAP® Monitor 500 standalone is designed for continuous noninvasive hemodynamic monitoring in a wide range of applications, i.e. electrophysiology, operating theatres, critical- and intermediate care, emergency room and transport.
    • The combination of all relevant hemodynamic parameters (BP, CO, SV, SVR, PPV) allows for cost-effective hemodynamic optimization and fluid management beyond high risk surgeries, addressing the medical need and clearly improving outcome in the OR, ICU and IMC.

    • It´s universal "BP wave out" interface allows for easy integration into any patient monitor using the arterial line port.

CNAP® enables timely and efficient recognition and treatment of perioperative hypotension by combining all the advantages of noninvasiveness seen in upper arm NBP with the benefits of continuity detected from invasive measurement.

Cost effective hemodynamic monitoring

    Today hemodynamic management in operating room, ICU and IMC settings is limited to high risk surgeries using invasive arterial lines or highly invasive and expensive catheter sets. CNAP® offers a unique combination of noninvasive blood pressure and hemodynamic parameters (CO, SV, SVR, PPV) allowing for cost-effective fluid management and easy therapy control.

Reusable finger sensors

    • The finger sensors are reusable (whipe / spray disinfection) helping to save costs in hospitals. Three sizes of finger cuffs (L, M, S) are available ranging from pediatrics starting at age 4yrs to adults.

Customizable alarming

    • The CNAP® Monitor 500 has a customizable alarming system, which can be applied to all patient singals (blood pressure values and the pulse rate). Customized alarming profiles can be preconfigured for children and adults seperately.

Key benefits of the CNAP® technology: 
CNAP® enables a rapid response to changes in blood pressure to better manage patients 

Comfort for patients: noninvasive, thus safe monitoring, whilst avoiding the risks of infection of invasive arterial lines

Easy to use: quick and error-free application for every day use with minimal training required

Time and cost saving: fixed start-up-time of 90 seconds combined with reusable sensors

• Noninvasive, reliable measurement where invasive arterial lines are not indicated, but continuous measurement is appreciated.

Hemodynamic optimization

Unique combination of non-invasive blood pressure and PPV

Volume responsiveness through pulse pressure variation (PPV)

Cost-effective and easy therapy control



Continuous: systolic, diastolic and mean blood pressure and pulse rate

•  Automatic calibration to upper arm blood pressure (NBP)



Accuracy and waveform dynamics are comparable to intra-arterial measurement


Quick and cost-effective

Easy setup

Reusable finger sensors

Connectivity to every standard patient monitor 

The CNAP Monitor 500 is the stand alone monitoring device designed for anesthesiologists, cardiologists and researchers:
> Syncope assessment (tilt table tests), as an alternative to the Task Force® Monitor
> Patient monitoring during general anesthesia

Hemodynamic optimization with PPV and CO

Physiology and Research

Real-time systolic, diastolic, mean blood pressure and pulse rate

High-fidelity blood pressure waveform

CO (Cardiac Output) and PPV (Pulse Pressure Variation) allowing for hemodynamic monitoring and fluid optimization

Quick and easy setup for every day clinical use

Automatic calibration to upper arm blood pressure (NBP, oscillometric)

easy integration in patient monitoring "BP Wave Out"

adjustable alarming system

8.4” colour anti-reflective screen

integrated thermal printer

rechargeable internal battery for up to two hours of CNAP® operation

measurement duration up to 24 hours

additional analog out connector (optional)

‘‘CNAP-PPV should extend the positive outcome of goal-directed fluid management beyond high-risk, arterial line or Doppler-monitored surgeries. This would allow fluid management to become an actual and routine clinical standard for the benefit of the anesthetized patients.“
Prof. Benoit Vallet, Chair of the Deparment of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care, University Hospital Lille, France

‘‘ the operating room during vascular surgery, respiratory-induced variations in the pulse pressure (PPV) measured noninvasively in the finger using the CNAP system correlate closely with pulse pressure variations measured invasively with an arterial catheter.“
Biais, al., The Ability of Pulse Pressure Variations Obtained with CNAP Device to Predict Fluid Responsiveness in the Operating Room. Anesthesia & Analgesia. Epub aheadof print (2011).


‘‘PPV has shown great potential to help optimize hemodynamic parameters using physiological data from non-invasive means. Today PPV can assist with fluid therapy and hemodynamic optimization in patients under general anesthesia receiving mechanical ventilation.‘‘

Cannesson,M. et al., Pulse presure variaton: Where are we today? Journal of Clinical Monitoring and Computing. Apr. 14. Epub ahead of print (2010).

Detection of hypotension during Caesarean section with continuous non-invasive arterial pressure device or intermittent oscillometric arterial pressure measurement. C. Ilies, H. Kiskalt, D. Siedenhans, P. Meybohm, M. Steinfath, B. Bein. British Journal of Anaesthesia, (2012)

Closed-loop double-vasopressor automated system to treat hypotension during spinal anaesthesia for caesarean section: a preliminary study. a T H Sia, H S Tan, B L Sng, Anaesthesia, (2012)

High NIHSS values predict impairment of cardiovascular autonomic control. Max Josef Hilz, Sebastian Moeller, Aynur Akhundova, Harald Marthol, Elisabeth Pauli, Philipp De Fina. Stroke; a journal of cerebral circulation, Volume: 42, Issue: 6 (2011)

A comparison of a continuous noninvasive arterial pressure (CNAP™) monitor with an invasive arterial blood pressure monitor in the cardiac surgical ICU. a M Jagadeesh, Naveen G Singh, Subramanyam Mahankali. Annals of cardiac anaesthesia, Volume: 15, Issue: 3 (2012)

Prediction of fluid responsiveness by a continuous non-invasive assessment of arterial pressure in critically ill patients: comparison with four other dynamic indices. X Monnet, M Dres, a Ferré, G Le Teuff, M Jozwiak, a Bleibtreu, et al. British journal of anaesthesia, (2012)

Investigation of the agreement of a continuous non-invasive arterial pressure device in comparison with invasive radial artery measurement. C Ilies, M Bauer, P Berg, J Rosenberg, J Hedderich, B Bein, et al. British journal of anaesthesia, Volume: 108, Issue: 2 (2012)

The ability of pulse pressure variations obtained with CNAP™ device to predict fluid responsiveness in the operating room. Matthieu Biais, Laurent Stecken, Laetitia Ottolenghi, Stéphanie Roullet, Alice Quinart. Françoise Masson, Anesthesia and analgesia, Volume: 113, Issue: 3 (2011)

CONTINUOUS NONINVASIVE BLOOD PRESSURE MONITORING DURING SPINAL ANESTHESIA FOR CESAREAN SECTION. Robert Hanss, Christoph Ilies, Hannah Missalla, Markus Steinfath, Berthold Bein, Daniel Siedenhans Poster, Issue: 1 (2009)

Continuous non-invasive arterial pressure technique improves patient monitoring during interventional endoscopy. Sylvia Siebig, Felix Rockmann, Karl Sabel, Ina Zuber-Jerger, Christine Dierkes, Tanja Brünnler, International journal of medical sciences, Volume: 6, Issue: 1 (2009)



Continuous non-invasive arterial pressure measurement: evaluation of CNAP device during vascular surgery. M Biais, L Vidil, S Roullet, F Masson, A Quinart, P Revel. Annales françaises d'anesthèsie et de rèanimation, Volume: 29, Issue: 7-8 (2010)

Continuous non-invasive arterial pressure shows high accuracy in comparison to invasive intra-arterial blood pressure measurement. Sackl Elisabeth. White paper, (2008)

Precision and accuracy of a new device (CNAP™) for continuous non-invasive arterial pressure monitoring: assessment during general anaesthesia. C Jeleazcov, L Krajinovic, T Münster, T Birkholz, R Fried, J Schüttler. British journal of anaesthesia, Volume: 105, Issue: 3 (2010)

Evaluation of a continuous non-invasive arterial blood pressure monitoring device (CNAP) in comparison with an invasive arterial blood pressure measurement in the ICU Methods : Results : Karl-heinz Smolle, Martin Schmid, Christian Weger, Helga Prettenthaler, Hermann Scharfetter. Poster, (2011)

Evaluation of a novel non-invasive Pulse Pressure Variation (PPV) method in critically ill patients Conclusions : Karl-heinz Smolle, Helga Prettenthaler, Martin Schmid. Poster, (2011)

Continuous noninvasive arterial pressure: assessment in older and high-risk patients under analgesic sedation. Christoph Schramm, Lisa Baat, Konstanze Plaschke. Blood pressure monitoring, Issue: May (2011)

An Evaluation of continuous non-invasive arterial pressure monitor (CNAP™ Monitor) in urological surgery Conclusion: Robert Luntzer, Bernhard Urbanek, Antonina Saldjiyska, Ingrid Berger, Walter Klimscha. Poster, (2009)

Continuous Blood Pressure Readings in Intensive Care Patients, Comparison of a Continuous Non-Invasive Pressure Device and Invasive Recording by means of an Arterial Line. Grenadi Grudev, Robert Hanss. Poster, (2010)