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Monitoring Depth of Anesthesia Training Center in PekingMedicalUnionCollegeHospital Found

Published:2010-09-30 Views:1602


The first “Narcotrend Depth of Anesthesia Monitoring Technical Training Center” of north China was founded in Peking Medical Union College Hospital on 26 September. Adjusting depth of anesthesia accurately by using depth of EEG consciousness/anesthesia monitoring system, then avoid risk of traditional anesthesia which depends on anesthetists’ experience.     
According to introduction, accuracy of the new anesthesia monitoring technique is a leap in its progress. Output line of the EEG monitor connects with patients’ pallium through electrode. Patients response of operation form the continuous EEG signal through pallium neuron group fluctuation. By monitoring EEG signal of patients, anesthetist can evaluate depth of anesthesia accurately, also measure depth of sleeping, muscle relaxant, and antalgic effect etc., thereby adjust depth of anesthesia according to operation requirements precisely, and make patients recover in time after operation.   
Professor Huang Guangyu, Principal of Training Center, Assistant Chief Committee Member of Chinese Society of Anesthesiology, President of Anesthesiology Branch of Chinese Medical Doctor Association, Director of anesthetic department of Peking Medical Union College Hospital, said “ Comparing with conventional anesthesia-blurry anesthesia, Narcotrend anesthesia monitoring technique make operating room say goodbye to conventional anesthesia that is only controlled by blood pressure, and make accurate anesthesia comes true, which not only provides stable patient information to surgeon, but also make patients feel more comfortable.