Enterprise News

General Manager of System Seals Visit to Our Company

Published:2008-06-20 Views:657

International sales manager of Ssytem Seals, Mr. Sean Hensey visited to our company on June 5, 2008. Our CEO Mr. Xie met Mr. Sean Hensey, they had a conversation about our cooperation and we get more knowledge of products of System Seals.
That afternoon, accompanied by Mr. Xie, they visited to PING DING SHAN COAL MINE MACHINERY CORPORATION LIMITED and had technical communication  with their management and technicians. “ The customized complete systems approach and high-performance materials and high-tech designs, application serving a wide variety in industrial markets, the sales and services teams are aligned to specific industry segments…” The lively discussion really presented System Seals’ leader status in sealing systems.
After that meeting, they looked around the plant of PING DING SHAN COAL MINE MACHINERY LIMITED CORPORATION, and they had a further discussion about practical application of System Seals products, which showed that again sealing systems of System Seals are high quality products with high-performance.
That communication is completely successful.