Enterprise News

Visit of Experts from Stellar Industries, Inc

Published:2008-10-15 Views:684

Product manager of Stellar Industries, Inc, Mr. Timothy J. Davison and expert from Tire Industry Association in USA arrived in China on October 12, 2008.We Guangzhou Golden Join Group as general agent of Stellar Industries, Inc in China, they visited to our company at first, and then accompanied by our personnel to visit to China Coal Energy Pingshuo Co. They had a commissioning on site for tire machine shop truck Stellar 28000/TM16160, and successfully disassemble and assemble tire 930E which is the biggest one in the world by far. 
This commissioning shows the status of Stellar, the biggest manufacture in tire machine shop truck of North America. The advanced technique and specific design can completely meet customers’ requirements, which will strengthen customer’s confidence on Stellar products, also provide more choices to mines on tire machine shop truck.