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Students of the Third Training Class of the Chinese Society of Anesthesiology Narcotrend Monitoring Depth of Anesthesia Technique Asia Training Center Graduated

Published:2010-07-13 Views:1486

Photo of students with Doctor Qu Dongmei


The third training class of Chinese Society of Anesthesiology Narcotrend Monitoring Depth of Anesthesia Technique Asia Training Center proceed as planed from 20 to 23 June 2010. The six students come from Guangdong, Dalian, Shandong etc. operate the unit practically under instruction of theory. They said they would bring this anesthesia monitoring technique to their hospitals and put into practical use, and then improve the entire anesthesia quality. Further more they hope Narcotrend Monitoring Technique will be widely used in clinical and each bed with one Narcotrend will come true earlier.